It's not just Jungle Fruits that depends on our rainforests, pretty much all forms of life do.
These jungles help us absorb about 30% of the worlds C02 every year and is home millions of animals and plants; as well as this millions of indigenous people who also depend on our jungles for their survival.
Even with all this dependance on our jungles unfortunately they are under constant threat.
Every year we lose Jungles the same size as England
We can make a small difference today

Sir David Attenborough | Our Planet
"Jungles are essential for our planet to function. They regulate global weather. The clouds they create reflect the sun’s heat, helping to cool the planet. They generate vast amounts of water which is carried on air currents around the globe. And their ability to remove carbon from the atmosphere makes them an essential natural ally in the fight against climate change.
Jungles also give us extraordinary foods, unique hardwoods and countless medicines. All of this is due to one thing; their bewildering diversity of life. Jungles are home to over half of all the species that live on land… There are countless unique micro-worlds. Each of these micro-worlds is connected to its neighbours, all continuously interacting to keep the entire jungle working."
We can win our biggest battles in the smallest moments
We're a small business but that doesn't mean that we can't think about our impact in the world we live in. If we could we would honestly make every part of the business sustainable whether it be our packaging or offsetting our supply chain and make the world a better place. We hope to get to that stage one day but to start off with we wanted to help with a cause that resonates with us deeply.
To help us save our Jungles we have decided to donate 1% of our profits made every time you buy one of our packs.
Just £3.83 saves an entire acre of the jungle
As of August 2021 you have helped us donate £142 to the Rainforest Foundation
Acres of saved
Trees Save
Carbon saved in C02 equivalent